The Digital Society Institute Symposium is next week, at which I will be giving
a talk! Of course my talk is going to be about TIDE. My talk is scheduled
around 15:30, I would like it if you would come and support me!
The Digital Society Institute Symposium is next week, at which I will be giving
a talk! Of course my talk is going to be about TIDE. My talk is scheduled
around 15:30, I would like it if you would come and support me!
Last week, October the 31st, was IMC, in Boston, USA. IMC is a top Internet
measurements conference. The TIDE-project was there too to promote the malware
in DNS TXT records project. We presented a poster on which we got quite a lot
of interest. People were surprised there were pieces of code in TXT records.
Below you can see the poster we have presented.
Today, October the 17th, was the fourth edition of the Cyber Security Workshop
in the Netherlands (CSNG), in The Hague. The TIDE-project was here to present a poster
on malware in DNS TXT malware. Our current ongoing research.