we are network researchers at the University of Twente, at the Design and
Analysis of Communication Systems group. We are currently conducting a study on
the timeliness of reverse DNS entries.
If you want to be excluded from our measurement please read the sections below.
Measurement details
For our project we run two measurements. An ICMP ping scan and a reverse DNS
measurement. Both measurements run at an adaptive frequency using an
exponential back-off strategy (that is: the number of measurements you may see
diminishes over time). The highest frequency we measure at is once every 5
minutes, and the lowest frequency is once per hour.
Request your systems to be excluded from the measurement
If you reached this page because you observed traffic from our machines and
would like to be excluded from the measurement, please email Olivier
(o.i.vandertoorn@utwente.nl) with the network subnets or IP addressed that you
wish to be removed from our measurement, and we will remove your network within
1 business day from the measurement.
This measurement is part of the research resulting from the TIDE project.