At the beginning of this week ICTOpen2018 was held in Amersfoort. An important event for ICT in the Netherlands. Many topics were visited from ‘health science’ to ‘artificial intelligence’.
Jos Wetzels, from the Technical University of Eindhoven, and Olivier van der Toorn, from the University of Twente, were the nominees for the BCMT Award 2018. This award is given to best Master thesis in the cybersecurity field. Seven theses were nominated, and two of them were invited two present their work at the ICTOpen conference. Jos was, unfortunately, unable to make the conference and did his presentation, titled ‘KINTSUGI: Identifying & addressing challenges in embedded binary security’, via a pre-recorded video. Olivier, as shown above, gave his ten minute presentation about ‘Combating Snowshoe Spam with Fire’ at the conference.
The first prize went to Jos for his work in the embedded security. The second prize went to Olivier for his work in combating spam.
Congratulations Jos!
The slides of the presentation can be found here: pdf
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